


Spark是一个分布式计算框架,task会分发到各个节点去执行,难免会有一些bad node 会导致task的失败,task失败的次数多了会导致stage失败,如果stage连续失败达到阈值又会导致application级别的失败。而blacklist,即黑名单机制,就是为了减少这些由于bad node从而导致应用最终失败的情况。

BlackList机制是由PR SPARK-8425提出,里面有设计文档以及相关sub-task.




  • (Executor, task)级别
    • 一个task可以在一个executor上的最大尝试次数,如果超出次数,该executor加入该task的blacklist
  • (node, task)级别
    • 一个task可以在一个node上的最大尝试次数,如果超出这个次数,则该node加入该task的blacklist
  • (executor, stage)级别
    • 在一个stage中,如果其中的tasks在一个executor里失败次数超出阈值,则加入该stage的blacklist
  • (node, stage)级别
    • 在一个stage中,如果其中tasks在一个node上失败次数超出阈值,则加入该stage的blacklist
  • (Executor, application)级别
    • 在一个应用中,如果其中tasks在一个executor上失败次数超出阈值,则加入application 对应的blacklist
  • (Node, application)级别
    • 在一个应用中,如果其中tasks在一个node上失败次数超出阈值,则加入application对应的blacklist


可以配置是否kill掉Application BlackList的executor,如果一个node被加入到application级别的BlackList,那么node上的所有executor都要kill掉。

FetchFailure & BlackList


首先介绍一下fetch Failure。

这里的fetch是指shuffle fetch。参与的角色有三个,拉取数据的executor,发送数据的executor或者ExternalShuffleService,以及网络。



在进行shuffle fetch的时候,如果没有开启ExternalShuffleService,那么我们是向remote 的 executor索要数据,所以这时候会将这个executor 加入blacklist。


Yarn Node launch Failure

前面提到的都是在任务执行过程中失败,那么如果是在yarn 启动container的时候就失败呢。

SPARK-16630 提出了将这个不能成功启动container的Node加入blackList.

BlackList 参数


参数名称 默认值 说明
spark.blacklist.enabled false If set to “true”, prevent Spark from scheduling tasks on executors that have been blacklisted due to too many task failures. The blacklisting algorithm can be further controlled by the other “spark.blacklist” configuration options.
spark.blacklist.timeout 1h (Experimental) How long a node or executor is blacklisted for the entire application, before it is unconditionally removed from the blacklist to attempt running new tasks.
spark.blacklist.task.maxTaskAttemptsPerExecutor 1 (Experimental) For a given task, how many times it can be retried on one executor before the executor is blacklisted for that task.
spark.blacklist.task.maxTaskAttemptsPerNode 2 (Experimental) For a given task, how many times it can be retried on one node, before the entire node is blacklisted for that task.
spark.blacklist.stage.maxFailedTasksPerExecutor 2 (Experimental) How many different tasks must fail on one executor, within one stage, before the executor is blacklisted for that stage.
spark.blacklist.stage.maxFailedExecutorsPerNode 2 (Experimental) How many different executors are marked as blacklisted for a given stage, before the entire node is marked as failed for the stage.
spark.blacklist.application.maxFailedTasksPerExecutor 2 (Experimental) How many different tasks must fail on one executor, in successful task sets, before the executor is blacklisted for the entire application. Blacklisted executors will be automatically added back to the pool of available resources after the timeout specified byspark.blacklist.timeout. Note that with dynamic allocation, though, the executors may get marked as idle and be reclaimed by the cluster manager.
spark.blacklist.application.maxFailedExecutorsPerNode 2 (Experimental) How many different executors must be blacklisted for the entire application, before the node is blacklisted for the entire application. Blacklisted nodes will be automatically added back to the pool of available resources after the timeout specified byspark.blacklist.timeout. Note that with dynamic allocation, though, the executors on the node may get marked as idle and be reclaimed by the cluster manager.
spark.blacklist.killBlacklistedExecutors false (Experimental) If set to “true”, allow Spark to automatically kill the executors when they are blacklisted on fetch failure or blacklisted for the entire application, as controlled by spark.blacklist.application.*. Note that, when an entire node is added to the blacklist, all of the executors on that node will be killed.
spark.blacklist.application.fetchFailure.enabled false (Experimental) If set to “true”, Spark will blacklist the executor immediately when a fetch failure happens. If external shuffle service is enabled, then the whole node will be blacklisted.
spark.yarn.blacklist.executor.launch.blacklisting.enabled false Flag to enable blacklisting of nodes having YARN resource allocation problems. The error limit for blacklisting can be configured by spark.blacklist.application.maxFailedExecutorsPerNode.